Love to Love

Watch over your heart with all diligence, For from it flow the springs of life. Prov 4:23 Living with an open heart is a risky choice that takes courage and wisdom. The act of living generously can expose us to those who might take advantage. The disposition of trusting can leave a person vulnerable to the… Continue reading Love to Love

Family Reunion

Have you ever had one of those uncomfortable family reunions, a kind of “Meet the Fockers” part three? You are not alone. One biblical family get-together that I can relate to is the reunion of Jacob and Esau. Jacobs reunion with his brother Esau was like facing a ghost of the past. Family life in… Continue reading Family Reunion

Heart of Gold

A heart of gold is not something you come by every day.  Like Neil Young, you might just find yourself singing, “I’m getting old,” before you find one.  Although it is hard, it isn’t impossible if we mine for a golden heart in the right places.   Truthfully, gold mining itself can look rather foolish. To… Continue reading Heart of Gold

Church as a Third Culture Place

The concept of the third place was initially coined by author Ray Oldenburg in the book “The Great Good Place.”   Famously, Starbucks built their business model on the idea that people need a third place other than home and work for community inspired the likes of Starbucks.  They envisioned their stores to be,   “A place… Continue reading Church as a Third Culture Place

Passing it On

When you hear or see something that inspires the heart, you want to share it.  Living out of our creativity is a discipline of sorts that requires us to be continually renewing our minds.  I hope eLeader helps nudge you toward your creative and spiritual best.  Bob Webster


Sometimes opportunity knocks very quietly. We have to be always listening so we don’t miss some great opportunities.  Here’s a quote I like, but I have no idea where it came from. “The opportunity of a lifetime must be seized during the lifetime of the opportunity.” Pastor Willis