Sometimes we can feel like life is going nowhere. It is like the realization, when someone is travelling, that he has passed this way before, and he wonders, “Am I just going in circles?” Once in a while I look at myself and lament how little I have moved or changed on the inside, for… Continue reading Going Somewhere?
Tag: purpose
A Well-ordered Life.
Time to go; don’t be late. Leaving the house: got my gadgets, got my glasses, wore the right clothes, used mouthwash, locked the door, got my keys, oops. Once again the well-ordered life evades me. A new set of plans begins, call for a ride and worry about the keys later. Living a well-ordered life… Continue reading A Well-ordered Life.
Friendship, Servanthood and Love
Sometimes when I think of obedience, I’m reminded of those schools for training dogs. Their obedience is won with treats and repetition. Who hasn’t at sometime been told not to ask questions, but just do it? Maybe in the military such unquestioned obedience is a virtue, but in all other relationships, it leaves a person… Continue reading Friendship, Servanthood and Love
Work: Chasing after the wind.
Does work ever get you down? You are not alone. The author of Ecclesiastes lamented his work too: “What has a man from all the toil and striving of heart with which he toils beneath the sun? For all his days are full of sorrow and his work is a vexation. Even in the night… Continue reading Work: Chasing after the wind.